Story Teller

The Story Teller package is designed for people who want to tell their life stories in their own words. During your one-hour session, you'll have the opportunity to sit down with a professional audio and video set up and share your stories in whatever way feels most natural and authentic to you. Whether you're a natural story teller or not sure where to start, we'll provide guidance and support to help you tell your story in a way that is meaningful and impactful.

The standard Story Teller package includes a video and audio copy of your session, so you can share your stories with others and preserve them for future generations.

One hour - $150

Two Hour - $250

Ready to preserve your story?

We’d love to hear from you!

Contact us for a free consultation.

Phone Number:

(702) 996-7726

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Sagebrush Valley Studio

Preserving Stories for Future Generations

© 2024 Sagebrush Valley Studio - All Rights Reserved

(702) 996-7726